


NeAAaaku is the quality of having dignity and self-respect. To have NeAAaaku one must uphold community and cultural standards and to beg nor steal. It is to be a upstanding citizen, as to speak, and act morally so that one can hold their head up high in society.

NeAAaaku is shown through this proverb:

“to honnduko nyaamii gite boo semta”

“if after eating, one is not full, will licking the bowl make one full?”



Again the  neAAaaku component of pulaaku is similar to that of the first component semteende because it is better to in collectivist societies(such as those of African and Asian cultures) to be seen as humble and dignified then wealthy and pretentious.


To further breakdown this concept a second proverb is used:


“Ndikka toraaki e wujjuki

“It is better to beg than to steal”

This shows that while doing something that lowers ones sense of dignity, such as begging, is seen as unbecoming and disgraceful; it is comparatively far worse to harm others or do something illegal.

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